Reunited: Black Pug Male

  • Dog ID 105768
  • Status Reunited
  • Registered 11 Oct 2016
  • Name BOSIE
  • Gender & Breed Male Pug (Neutered)
  • Age Adult
  • Colour Black
  • Marks & Scars Wearing a green harness and night light which is on.
  • Tagged Yes
  • Microchipped Yes
  • Tattooed Unknown
  • Date Lost 10 Oct 2016
  • Where Lost Hill Street, Hastings Old Town
  • Lost In Region South East
  • Lost In Post Area TN34
  • Date Found 12 Oct 2016
  • Where Found Bottle Alley, Hastings
  • Found In Region South East
  • Found In Post Area TN34
  • Date Reunited 12 Oct 2016
  • Other Info Bosie is wearing a green harness (with a light attached which is on) He's neutered, microchipped, has a tag on his collar & is prone to epilepsy. Please CHECK your gardens/sheds/garages in case he has been shut in by mistake. If you see Bosie or know where he is please call owner asap. Please be aware that it's REQUIRED BY LAW to REPORT finding any dog to our DOG WARDENS. Failure to do can be considered 'theft by finding'
  • Listed By Lisa
  • Views 5816
  • BOSIEPoster Image
  • BOSIEExtra Image


Sightings and Information

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Fab x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Just catching up...Great news!
Pleased to see this lad home safely. Thanks to that kind young lady and all those involved.
DogLostMillypod (Chris) - Administrative Volunteer
Great news :) Welcome home Bosie.x
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
Brilliant news
Welcome home Bosie. X
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I'm very relieved and happy to let you all know that Bosie was found tonight by a very kind young lady. Her mother had seen one of the posts on Facebook and told her about Bosie. She was walking her pup down Bottle Alley on the beach tonight when she spotted Bosie. She called Angela's number which was on his tag and took him home to her. He seems to be fine despite everything and is now snuggled up with Angela in the warm.
Thank you so much, you have made Angela a very happy lady!

I'm so glad we have such a lovely, caring, dog loving community in Hastings. I will try to get a reunited photo tomorrow when I meet Bosie so watch this space ..
Thanks to each and every one of you who shared and went looking for Bosie and for supporting Angela today. You were all brilliant. Well done to you all :) Love it!
Welcome home Bosie! Please stay close to your mum and do not go wandering off again :)

(PS If you see posters for Bosie please would you take them down? I would appreciate it and I'm sure you will enjoy the task!!) Last edited: 2016-10-12 01:55:26 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
sharing x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Think we may have some good news. Will update as soon as I know anything.
Email received in tn38......sounds like excellent advice given and your doing everything right......will keep an eye out on my we have anymore info on how he's gone missing....really hope for good news soon
Sue - onestopalldogs
Shared fb twitter
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
I met the lovely Lisa briefly this evening who was still busy giving out posters and letting everyone know that Bosie is missing.
I have had another chat with Angela who is obviously very distressed and worried that her lad who she feels may have been stolen. However, I have said that she should stay positive so she can search and poster for Bosie. If he has been taken then it is even more important to get those posters out there to make him TOO HOT TO HANDLE.
If anyone is on Twitter please tweet for Bosie.

Angela and her pugs are well known in the Old Town and the community there are pulling together to help her. Lots of posters have already been given out and put in local shops and pubs as well as through letter boxes in and around Hill St. The more posters we can get out there the better please!
POSTER POWER works as it's how sightings come in to us.
Over 1300 people have looked at this page already so lots of people are aware that Bosie is missing. If everyone would put a poster in their car window and/or outside their house it would be a great help.

If anyone has seen Bosie or knows where he is please call Angela or Doglost in TOTAL CONFIDENCE on 0844 800 3220 or 01633 668364.

Thank you to all who are helping and supporting Angela. Hopefully someone will have seen him and will call her with a sighting very soon. Last edited: 2016-10-11 20:13:37 by Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
TK - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
So sorry to hear Bosie is missing. Have shared on fb, and lots of shares on various local fb pages.
I wonder whether he has got trapped in someones garage, outbuilding, etc..
Please ask all neighbours to check carefully any where he may have got locked in or stuck
Hoping he is soon found ..
DogLostSharon - Social Media Volunteer
I have shared with DL FB Page, Public & Twitter. I hope Bosie is safely back at home soon. X
DogLostSpringerMad - Area Volunteer, East Sussex
Shared x
Clarkey - Area Co-ordinator, East Sussex
Hi Angela, So sorry to hear Bosie is still lost. This page has been registered by Angela's friend Lisa who is helping (with Lydia)to search and poster for Bosie. Well done starting with the posters.
Please keep that up as it will be the best way of getting sightings and news of Bosie. There can never be enough of them.
I've just had a chat with Angela and Bosie has a tag on his collar, is microchipped but has also had epileptic episodes.
VERY good news is that Bosie has a green harness on with a NIGHT LIGHT on him .. which is on! Provided the battery coes not run out then he should be relatively easy to see.

I've suggested to put posters in letterboxes of all houses in Hill Street and surrounding roads in case someone has taken Bosie in. Posters are best put in places where a lot of people will see them (and give to people that go around area a lot) such as entrances and car parks to footpaths/woods, taxi companies, postmen/post office, bus stops/stations, outside schools, in pet shops, doctors surgeries etc. There are lots of pubs in the area so please give them a poster as well as the Fisherman's Club etc.
You can reduce size of posters and give to people whilst searching so they can put them in their pocket and have your number to call if they see your dog.

As Angela says it's very unusual behaviour for Bosie to be away from her I'm wondering if he may have been shut in someone's garden, shed or garage by mistake. Please would everyone in the area check to see if you can spot Bosie.
Unfortunately I'm out of town at the moment so unable to come out and search. However, you are already doing a great job so stay positive and keep postering.
Best of luck with your search.

Hi Angela. I'm sorry to read that Bosie has gone missing - especially worrying when he has epilepsy. Was he on a walk when this happened or did he go missing from home?
Hello. I'm Angela, Bosie's owner. There is still no news. Bosie has epilepsy so it's very worrying. I'm not on Facebook but my friends have posted for me. They've also put up and given posters to pubs & chippies, and some shops in the Old Town - the High Street, George St and Rock-a-Nore.
sharing x
DogLostJayne - Founder Doglost.
Alerts sent to helpers in TN34,35,37,38.
Shared Twittered

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